
Most of the colonists were people who like to get out on the farm and do the work by themselves and not have to hire someonelse to do the job. Corn, at the time was the most poplular type of crop that could be gron on a farm since both the owners and the animals could eat it. There were also other types of crops grown of the farm which would usually be grown for selling. Some of the colonist tried to use what was on their farm to try to make manufactured goods out of it that they could also sell.

Local Events

Governor William Kieft commissioned the first Town Hall meeting place.The first murder to occur in New Amsterdam happened some time in May when one man stabbed another man in the the chest because they were having a disagreement that got out of hand. Fighting was illegal in the city limits so often men would go out into the woods or a place that was outside of the illegal limit to settle their differences. Normally there would be no penalty for such a crime but this time the reuslt was death
THe penalty for killing or injuring another person was ofter survere.The penalties for crime in New Amsterdam varied from fines, imprisonment and exile to torture. There are several accounts of torture implemented by the Dutch. In one case, a sailor was tortured on “the rack” until he confessed to stealing a table cloth from a local tavern.